Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Speak To Me In English Or Tagalog

Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts or opinion either by speech,signs and etc.In order to us to communicate each other God created a language.God created it,to become a system of communication between humans. Without language we people cannot express our feelings carefully and it's hard to us to communicate somebody.
We all know that english is our universal language and tagalog is our official language here in Philippines.Tagalog and English is very essential to our life.Practicing this languages in our school can help us to communicate not only with our fellow men but also to other people outside the country.If as early as today we will practice our communication skills it will be very easy to us to apply for a job because,as we all know,they use English in interviewing in hiring a job.
We should practie to speak this languages not only here in school,but also in different places where we are going.In speaking,we should speak carefully and with kindness because it is very important to speak properly.So, we should bare in our mind that this campaigne "Speak to me in English or Tagalog"is one way that could help and improve us in the coming future.

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