Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Here is again another school year,from 2009 to 2010.It would be a year filled with learning and experiences.We are now one of the eldest in the campus and in just a year we will be in 4th year,our last stay in High School.I am so excited about the new ythings that we will experience and learn this time,like new subjects,teachers and new friends that I will be meet.

Now,Mrs.Vera Cruz my new TLE teacher,she is active,friendly,good in teaching and most of all she is not strict.I've learned from her the yearly history of the internet since it was already invented.We learned what are the uses,major components and types of data of internet.In this first quarter we've also encountered the history of BLOG and also we learned how to
use BLOG.

Some of my problems that I've encountered is,during our typing activities.In our workstation we are composed of 3 members,my problem is,one day is not enough for one person to finish her activities and sometimes we gain 2-3 days to finish one activity.So,it's hard for me to do the second activities,that even the first activity is not yet done.

We want to finish our activities early,so, together with my group we planned to do our activities at home,so that to the next day we are all ready for typing.In that way we can finish our activities on time and it will be easy for us to make our
new activity.

First quarter is almost over.This subject TLE or computer was very exciting subject all along.
So,for the succeeding quarters,I would be more responsible student.I hope that this year,I will be a better student of this school.I would try my best now than I am in 3rd year.I would be more serious on my studies and this is the start of me as a
new good student.


  1. it's my favorite color and i love it...

    continue using BLUE!!!


  2. ..oh elow..nice posts keep it up my fren,hope that you will be more serious in making any composition.Study harder go for your dreams,and wish you all the best..mmhhuuaahhh...iloveyou..
